It is with great excitement and a little nostalgia that the marketing department makes this announcement. Like all things, as time passes we must adapt and change to keep up with the times. The Dispatch is not immune and as such, it has passed it’s prime in today’s ever changing world. The previous version of the Dispatch served us well for over a decade – if you can believe it. Ten years ago, a thought turned into a what-if which evolved into a digital company hotspot for news & information. It was planned out, given a name, constructed, and pushed out onto the World Wide Web! Over the years it shifted and adapted from a simple blog to a place where employees can connect from all companies as well as find all the tools necessary to stay up to date and plugged in to company happenings. It is one of the first landing spots for new employees and the portal for updated information we have all come to depend on. Over the years, it has almost become like a familiar friend we see daily and I’m sure the old site will be missed.

Onto the Exciting Part! Today is the relaunch of The Dispatch! The new site is very much the same as far as purpose & content. It still features articles as well as access to the side panel links you have all come to rely on. It is simply much cleaner and up to date.

If you have any questions please email and we will be happy to assist you.

Please click here to view the video for a quick look into the newest features of the updated Dispatch!

A note of recognition & thanks to the Marketing Department for the work and care poured into this site from inception to it’s recent renovation.

Please see below and attached the DE&I Newsletter Volume 1 | Issue No. 3 for December 2021!

We are encouraging staff and residents to share their authentic diversity viewpoints, life stores, experiences and even cherished recipes.

For any stories, recipes, comments or questions, please email:

(Just a reminder: Site staff – please help us by sharing the newsletter with the residents in your community and post the newsletter in common areas the link provided can also be copied and shared via text box).

 Link to DEI Newsletter December 2021

June 10th, Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands

Did you know that over the Summer, Royal American Management introduced an education and internship program available to the residents of the communities we manage in St. Thomas? It is an opportunity to start in a new career they may not have otherwise considered. The kick off event was a success. It took months of preparation and a team to put it all together. We are proud of how far we’ve come!