We are thrilled to announce the introduction of our new Volunteer Time Off (VTO) policy, which reflects our commitment to giving back to our communities and supporting causes that matter to us as individuals and as a company.
At Royal American, we understand the importance of contributing to the greater good beyond our daily work responsibilities. We recognize that many of you are passionate about various charitable organizations, community initiatives and volunteer opportunities. Therefore, we are excited to offer this new policy to empower you to make a difference and engage in meaningful volunteer work during regular business hours.
Did you know that Royal American is part of the ProXtra program at The Home Depot? Use our Pro number when shopping at The Home Depot to save on purchases! Pros get lower-than-shelf pricing on thousands of popular, trade-specific items. Savings are automatically applied at checkout—no waiting for price quotes or promotion codes and no minimum transaction quantities! The more this number is used, the more everyone saves!
If you shop at The Home Depot for emergency supplies or something that you can’t order from HD Supply, or any of our catalog partners, you can get lower than shelf pricing on items when you are at the checkout!
The best thing is you can use the discount on your own PERSONAL purchases! Just type in the number!
At the checkout, when they ask you for your ProXtra number, just type in the Panama City corporate office phone number (without the dashes: 8507698981) and the savings will be applied to your purchase! Some items will have a larger discount then others.

On Friday, March 1, 2024, Green Mills celebrated the grand opening of Parker Pointe Apartments located in Lakeland, Florida. Attendees included owners; Green Mills and management team; Royal American, Lending partners JPMorgan Chase & Co and Raymond James. Lakeland City Commissioner Stephanie Madden was also in attendance offering her support. A handful of residents also joined in the celebration including Jazmine Forestal, who share her story on the positive impact that this community has had in her life. Read more