The Orlando 2021 Manager/Maintenance Awards were held on Thursday, March 24th and once again, they were presented in a virtual setting.  The Regional Managers worked very hard to give our team an elegant setting, and in true Zoom fashion, we were met with obstacle after obstacle.  Our internet went down and we had to scramble for a Plan B!  Wouldn’t you know it – cell service was having issues that day too. However, our Regional Manager team would not give up! They persevered and as they say, “The show must go on!”.

Our teams had a fantastic 2021, and we want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to our everyone that worked so hard to make it a great year!

Join us in shouting congratulations to the following WINNERS!

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The Atlanta 2021 Manager/Maintenance Awards were held on March 23rd. We chose to do these virtually for one more year.  Our awards were nothing short of impressive and the regionals worked very hard to make sure it went off without a hitch, or should I say glitch.

Our on-site teams had a great year despite the challenges that were faced. We were elated to celebrate them. Without further ado, Let’s shout congratulations to the following WINNERS!

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Another successful #RoyalAmericanManagement lease up by our #AuburnVillageSenior team! Congratulations on achieving 100%! Sending a very special 🗣 shout out to Maria Davila Tovar, JR Cuadrado, Amanda Burk and Rose Ann Nurse-Alcalá

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