After a long tenure with Royal American/First Service Companies, it is time to bid adieu to our GL Accounting Manager and longtime friend Wanda Sampson. This month marks 17 years that Wanda has been with the company.

She leaves behind big shoes to fill. Currently Wanda captains a team of 9 in the GL Accounting Department who oversee 314 properties and manage all their accounting needs. Wanda has impeccable workmanship and handles these accounts flawlessly making sure that their financial information is managed and presented well, monthly and annual closings are done correctly, and clean and timely year-end audits are completed for each property.

She is said to be a doer, always willing to put in 110% and lead her department even when struggles arise. On those tough days she has been known to say “ If you can’t beat them, join them!” which her team says changes the mood and adds positivity and humor when they are down. She is known to meet challenges with a positive attitude and a realistic outlook which her team believes always guides them in the best direction.

She is a mentor to her staff and an example of someone always willing to grow and learn. She is also known to do a fun dance during the birthday song for each birthday celebration. She keeps them laughing.

One thing is for sure, she will be sincerely missed by not only her staff but all of RA who have had the pleasure of working with her. We wish her only the best on her new path and hope it is filled with many beautiful memories and never-ending travel adventures which she is so fond of.

Thank you for your service and time. We hope you keep in touch and share your new stories with us.

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