NAA’s 3rd Annual DE& I Awareness Week is Coming Up!


It’s NAA’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion Week again! They will be offering 5 Days of DE&I Workshops (Oct 16-10). There will be great topics for Royal American Management Team Members wanting new strategies and tactics to develop sustainable diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) policies in the workplace and beyond.


Each day, you’ll be guided through virtual sessions that tie into the other lessons of the week, while also learning communication tactics from other rental housing professionals.


NAA’s DE&I Awareness Week offers lessons all week long including:
Day 1 – The Taming of the Toxic Workplace Culture | October 16, 2023
Day 2 – Beyond a Title Change: The True “Ask” of DE&I Leaders  | Oct 17, 2023
Day 3 – Expand Your Markets with Accessibility | Oct 18, 2023
Day 4 – An Affiliate Framework for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Oct 19, 2023
Day 5 – See My Story: Leading in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through Accessibility, Authenticity and Vulnerability. | Oct 20, 2023


Click Here to Learn More &  To Register 

2 replies
  1. Ashley Bejarano says:

    National Apartment Association always has great educational workshops. Thank you for sharing the registration link!

  2. Sonya Knight says:

    Join us for NAA’s inspiring Diversity Workshop series! Encouraging everyone to participate in at least one class to enhance your diversity awareness.


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