In Celebration of Latin & Hispanic Heritage Month

Hi,  I’m from Uruguay, that’s one picture I love of me and my husband carrying the flag of the city I was born, Paysandú, and the jerseys of the “Club Nacional de Football”, my favorite Uruguayan soccer team, when they came to Miami to play a friendly soccer game last year.

He is not from Uruguay but I was so happy and proud that he carries my original country flag and jersey with so much enthusiasm that day, he enjoyed the party!

One of my best days of my life was my Citizenship Ceremony Day, I remember I was so proudly happy, because I was feeling like a real American, that I was one import formal part of the best Nation on the World.

This country united us and we feel we are part of One Heart and One Flag.

Maria R. Vargas

4 replies
  1. Ashley Bejarano says:

    Such a lovely photo. I enjoy learning more about our staff’s value and culture. Congratulations on your citizenship ceremony day Maria. Happy Hispanic heritage month!


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