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March is all about fueling your body.  This month’s resources encourage employees to get their preventive screenings and fight disease with healthy foods!


Please take a few minutes to watch the podcasts to get helpful information on preventive care visits and foods to help you focus!


Have you set a goal for the new year? Learn how making a few changes to your lifestyle can have a big impact on our health, finances, and mood! Please watch these short, but informative videos by clicking on the links below.

Click Here for more information on Savings made Simple.

Please review the helpful video from United Healthcare on what is considered preventive care.  You can access the video by clicking  HERE.



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Open enrollment for 2023 will be Monday, November 7th, 2022 – November 18, 2022.

*We will not be conducting any meetings this year as there are no plan changes or premium changes.*



We are excited to announce the following plan enhancements for 2023:

  • Passive Enrollment- You only need to complete open enrollment if you want to make changes to your current elections.
  • Type 2 Diabetes Plan- This is a new plan for employees and/or dependents diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Call 844-302-2821 for more information.
  • $0 Medications- Some prescription drugs will not be subject to the deductible from the following categories-  asthma, allergic reactions, hypoglycemia, opioid overuse, and diabetes insulin.
  • Coming early 2023- Dependent audit- We will be requiring employees to provide documentation showing that their dependents are eligible to be covered under the plan ( Marriage certificate, joint tax return, joint bank statement, birth certificate etc. )
    • * More information coming soon *