2023 Annual Achievement Awards


Our company had an exhilarating week with our Regional Managers visiting our Panama City Corporate Office. We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating at the 2023 Annual Achievement Awards. We are thrilled to announce that Little Havana won Property of the Year! We couldn’t be prouder of their outstanding achievement. At this event, we were able to recognize many individuals who went above and beyond in 2023. We also celebrated our hard-working support staff members and awarded our amazing IT Department with Support Department of the Year! We look forward to continuing our success and achieving even greater milestones together in 2024.


Congratulations to all of our winners listed below!


Committee and Taskforce Recognition

Rachael Leonard, Chair, Administrative Assistant Roundtable

Jennifer Anderson, Chair, Benefits Committee

Sonya Knight, Chair, Career Path Task Force

Mike Correll, Chair, Data Committee

Sonya Knight, Chair, DE&I Committee

Karen Larry, Vice Chair, DE&I Committee

Claudia Alsobrook, Chair, Events Committee

Courtney Keen, Vice Chair, Events Committee

Lori Agudo, Chair, Leadership Program Task Force

Dave Kennedy, Chair, RAM Safety Board

April Stevinson, Chair, Regional Roundtable

Sandy Gabriel, Vice Chair, Regional Roundtable

Susan Haselden, Chair, Support Roundtable

Ashley Bejarano, Chair, Wellness Committee

Tesha Wilson, Vice Chair, Wellness Committee


RAMP Recognition

Training Department

ACE Committee


96% average occupancy for the year

Thomas Hires

Karen Johnson

Shana King

Jasmine Price

Yasi Valentin


97% average occupancy for the year

Joseph Chapman

Cathy Day

Juan Rodriguez

Tracye Tyson


98% average occupancy for the year

Sandy Gabriel

Ismael Nazario

Kim Pruitt

Genesis Rodriguez


99% average occupancy for the year

Martha Aguilar

Vanesa Erazo

Milton Flores

Barbara Trujillo


Positive Attitude

Thomas Hires

Karen Johnson

Ismael Nazario

Cathy Day


Support Team Player of the Year

Dave Kennedy

Jennifer Anderson


Outstanding Collections – under 5% average for the year

Kim Pruitt

Barbara Trujillo


Outstanding NOI

Thomas Hires

Cathy Day

Anna Burdine

Ismael Nazario


NOI Growth

Anna Burdine

Barbara Trujillo

Ismael Nazario

Stephanie Jones


Gracehill Excellence

Yasi Valentin

Mike Correll

Karen Johnson

Joseph Chapman

Susan Haselden

Vanessa Erazo

Barbara Trujillo

Juan Rodriguez

Dave Kennedy

Shana King

Martha Aguilar

Rose Clemo

Sandy Gabriel

Genesis Rodriguez

Lori Agudo


Kingsley Excellence

Tracye Tyson

Milton Flores

Juan Rodriguez

Yasi Valentin

Anna Burdine

Barbara Trujillo

Stephanie Jones

Joseph Chapman

Jasmine Price

Vanessa Erazo

Thomas Hires

Angie Dickerson

Ismael Nazario

April Stevison


Customer Service Excellence

Information Technology (IT) Department


Outstanding Achievement

Ismael Nazario

Vanessa Erazo

Barbara Trujillo

Martha Aguilar

Joseph Chapman

Thomas Hires

Cathy Day

Milton Flores


Support Department of the Year

Information Technology (IT) Department


Regional Manager of the Year

Barbara Trujillo


Property of the Year

Little Havana


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