The support divisions of RA were asked to take a survey as well as provide information in regards to how things are working as a whole and what they would like to see. One of the ideas suggested by other support departments was a request to understand what each support department does and how we all work together for the greater good of RA.  Some support departments functions support one another although they may not work directly together. An example would be Accounting and OneSite or Maintenance and Contracting. Everything all of us do either directly or indirectly affects RA, so we are all in this together.

 Our executive team was very fond of the idea and thought it would benefit everyone to present a general outline of how each department provides support and how it affects each division and the company.

Kerri Toth and Denise Ost proceeded to host a “Support Department Roundtable” on Wednesday, May 12th 2021.  Each department prepared a presentation outlining the functions of their department in a unique way. It not only was informative but fun!  Read more

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