Wishing Ana Monte all of the warmest wishes as she enters into her retirement journey. Ana is adored by her team and colleagues and has brought so much to RA over the past 22 years. Her knowledge, experience and structure (overall structure) is admirable. Work comes as second nature to her and she is such a joy to work with. Notably She was instrumental in fostering the Miami Dade relationship that has opened so many doors in Miami and contributed immensely to the growth and success in south Florida. She has always risen to any challenges over the years with positivity and grace. Her presence will be missed tremendously but we are all very excited for her as this new chapter unfolds.

Submit your answers by close of business to: diversity@royalamerican.com. Be sure to list  your team members names.  Your team will receive an entry in our prize drawing for every correct quiz submitted, for 4 possible total entries!

1. Who scored the most career points in NBA history?
a) Karl Malone
b) Kobe Bryant
c) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
d) Michael Jordan

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