The Company believes education is a valuable opportunity. Therefore, the Company will award up to two (2) Two-thousand dollar ($2000) two- year Leadership Education Scholarships annually to a current employee’s legal dependent who has been accepted and/or is currently enrolled in a full-time undergraduate study program at an accredited community college or university.

Click the links for More Information:

Leadership-Education-Scholarship-Policy Signable

Scholarship Flyer

Leadership-Education-Scholarship-Application editable

The Miami RM team shows the love for RAM as they welcome a few new faces to the South Florida Portfolio!


Black History Month to me is a time to celebrate and highlight the many accomplishments we have achieved. February reminds us of the great impacts which shaped black culture. I am extremely grateful to ALL of those who have paved the way before me, to open doors for opportunities and advancement in this world. It gives me the courage to push myself and my son to achieve all his dreams his heart desires and accomplish all he wants to in life.

One of my favorite quotes that I use in my everyday life is “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.  Maya Angelou

– Carlas Wodford Read more

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