Black History brings attention to the contributions of African Americans to the United States. It’s to honor all black people from all periods of time in U.S. history. I live a life when the slaves were freed, but for some reason, we still struggle to live in this country because there are some that don’t want everyone to be free. I feel that it can get better if we can show love across the world. A quote from Dr. King lingers in my mind which says, “One day we all can be free, and treated equally in the eyes of God”. Read more
Obama once said, “It was in my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela.”
As a father, it is in my image, a Black man, a father of black sons, that I walk in my truth. The truth of my people. It’s the truth and history of many great men and women of African descent. As a black man and father, I must pack many of these great attributes into myself, so my son sees me walking in the pride of the History of the African American people. It is my responsibility as a father to teach my sons not just the history of our people but to be proud of our history. I am proud of where we as a people have come. And yes, there is so much more to come. Black History is 365 days a year for me and my house, but Black History Month allows me to celebrate my pride publicly. It is my hope that as we celebrate this month, we celebrate inclusively.
– Oshaun Curinton Read more
We would love to extend a very big CONGRATULATIONS to Jesse Spencer – Maintenance Supervisor, Reserve at Kanapaha and Charles “Scott” Johns – Maintenance Supervisor , Hunter’s Run for achieving their CAMT designations! Great work!