Our GEM Nominees for Fourth Quarter
The following employees were recognized at our Corporate quarterly meeting last Wednesday. They were nominated by their peers for going above and beyond and delivering exceptional service and work ethic during the 4th Quarter of 2024. We would like to acknowledge their hard work. Thank you for all you do!
- Ashley Lafond- Accounting- Winner
- Nikki Lumsden-Winecoff- Compliance
- April Stevison- Regional Manager
- Lynsey Brown- Accounting
- Kitty Rogers- HR
- Cristina Taran- Accounting
- Christina White- Onesite
- Connie Brady- Vendor Compliance
- Jeff Rice- Accounting
- Wanda McCullen- Compliance
The following site staff were also nominated for the GEM Award. Thank you to these individuals for their work ethic and dedication!
- Felipe Amezaga- Regency Pointe- Winner
- Rosana Medapati- Hilltop Pointe
- Latoya Redmon- River Run/Brewington Pointe
Congrats to you ALL!!!! Great job!
You ALL are amazing!!!!!!!
Congratulations to all.