Celebrating National Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month! To celebrate, we are excited to highlight individuals within our company who are proactive about their health by maintaining an active lifestyle, prioritizing mental health, and scheduling preventative health check-ups.


Mike Correll

“I weight train for 1 hour 4 days a week. I try to maintain a 10K steps a day routine. A FitBit helps keep up with that. 7+ hours of sleep per night. I never eat fast food and keep processed foods to a minimum. I get yearly blood work done for preventative health care. For mental well-being, hiking, canoeing, fishing, or just plain being in nature helps me destress from the work week.”

Franklin Foy

“I stay away from processed foods as much as I can. Mainly eat whole foods and grains. I try not to be stressed by the daily struggles of life, on the weekends I go trailing or fishing.”

Scott Clemo

“Daily walking, daily stretching, periodic elliptical, weight training, bike riding, yard work, conscientious healthy eating, 60 hours sleep per week, routine dental, skin and bloodwork.”

Francisco J Santos

“I enjoy physical activities such as basic calisthenics, walking, jogging, and cycling. On the weekends, I exercise for a total of two hours. This routine includes walking, jogging, and cycling. I walk and jog for 3 miles and finish up the two hours with cycling. During the week, I do a one-hour session of indoor cycling on a single day. My diet mainly consists of home-cooked meals and fresh greens/fruit juicing”


Join us in celebrating Men’s Health Month by finding inspiration in these health-focused individuals!

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