The Better You team invites you to join a Physician, Registered Nurse Educator and a Pharmacist for an interactive webinar on cholesterol control.

This 3-week program is a great opportunity for you to learn how to take steps to control cholesterol and ask your questions to the doctor, nurse and pharmacist in real time.

Register for each session and begin your journey to better health now!

Session 1: Cholesterol and Your Health

Tuesday, September 15th from 11:30am – 12:30pm EDT   CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

This session will talk about the cardiovascular system, what cholesterol is and its role in the body, the two types of cholesterol, what the lipid panel numbers mean and the risk factors for high cholesterol.

Session 2: Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Tuesday, September 22nd  from 11:30am  – 12:30pm EDT    CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

This session will focus on the benefits of healthy habits and talk about lifestyle changes you can make for your heart health. Getting enough sleep, regular physical activity, staying at a healthy weight, eating a heart healthy diet, managing stress and being tobacco-nicotine free will help manage cholesterol.

Session 3: Your Medications and You

Tuesday, September 29th from 11:30am  – 12:30pm EDT   CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Our last session gives us time with a pharmacist and helps us understand the role medications, supplements, over the counter medications and herbs have in cholesterol management.

Hope you can join us!


All Groups Understanding Your Cholesterol Flyer – Sept 2020


Click Here!




Hello All,

We are pleased to inform you that we are in the process of implementing a new system for payroll, human resource management, and employee self-service.   Please take a few moments to read the attached announcement.


The new system will provide a more user-friendly interface that will benefit employees, managers, and those that manage employee data and process payroll.  We will be moving away from Sage Self Service and TimeStar timekeeping.  All systems will be integrated into one PayCom system.


ALL employees will be trained on the new system.  More information and training dates will be coming in the next few weeks.  Our expected “go-live” date for the new system is the first payroll in October.  All training will be completed prior to the go-live date for all employees.


If you have any questions or concerns, please call the HR Hotline at 850-914-8456

Click Here for Software Update

This month’s wellness newsletter features:

  • Pack a Lunch for Energy that Last All Afternoon
  • Is Breastfeeding a Good Option for You?
  • Recipe: Salmon Avocado Salad


August 2020 Better You Pursuit Newsletter


Additional resources:

Cooler Lunch Ideas – Snack-sized learning (7 minutes)

Sometimes you just need some quick inspiration for healthy lunch ideas when you need to pack a lunch. This snack-sized webinar offers lots of way to prepare healthy lunches for your cooler.


Bilingual Emotional Support Helpline

Florida Blue launched a 24-hour, free emotional support helpline for all Floridians, in partnership with New Directions Behavioral Health. Any Floridian – even if uninsured or insured by another plan – can call 833-848-1762 for support in managing feelings of stress, anxiety, grief or fear related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Counselors cannot provide information on COVID-19 testing or treatment.


We are also providing regular updates on our social media channels, including Facebook and Twitter, in addition to our Florida Blue Blog.

Congratulations again to our Scholarship recipients! In light of the pandemic, celebrations were slightly different this year. Both recipients had dinner to take home from TGIFridays to celebrate with family and friends.  Although we could not publicly celebrate, we hope our recipients know how proud we are! Read more