The mission of the Veteran’s Resource Group (Veteran’s ERG) is to embrace our proud community of employee veterans who support and encourage each other through shared experiences, veteran recruitment, career development, outward engagement, professional growth and retention. Bringing together our unique background of military service, we seek to harness these strengths to better serve our company and communities. If you are interested in helping us start this group please reach out to David Speed at
Quiet Waters hosted an Easter egg hunt. Residents had a blast! They also had a basket gave away.
Earlier in the year, the Orlando team took part in the FAA Legislative Conference. This is an annual occurrence in Tallahassee where those in the industry are able to come to the capital and lobby for or against legislature that affects our industry.
The hot topics of 2022 involved:
- Improving Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Programs
- Incentivizing less barriers in an effort to supply more rental housing
- The CARES Act 30 day notice to vacate requirement