FAA Legislative Conference 2022
Earlier in the year, the Orlando team took part in the FAA Legislative Conference. This is an annual occurrence in Tallahassee where those in the industry are able to come to the capital and lobby for or against legislature that affects our industry.
The hot topics of 2022 involved:
- Improving Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Programs
- Incentivizing less barriers in an effort to supply more rental housing
- The CARES Act 30 day notice to vacate requirement
Lori Agudo gave us a recap of her experience stating ” I was part of Team F which had six members from both the supplier and management side. We met with legal aides (featured in photo) for Senator Linda Stewart and a legal aide for Representative Kamia Brown.” In regards to her experience she said “It is always a rewarding experience to have the opportunity to speak to elected officials about our most critical industry needs. Those we met with this year were very receptive to our legislative priorities. I highly encourage our employees to get involved in advocacy efforts. We must ensure our voices are heard for years to come.”
Kim Maggard with Representative Keith Truenow. This is just one of the many meetings throughout the trip with our state representatives and senators.
Great Deal Lori!!!!